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Blender Addon Naming Rules


Today’s goal is to list naming rules and conventions of Blender addon.

AddonPreferences(bpy_struct) from Blender 2.93.2 Release Candidate Python API documentation
Script Meta Info from


Blender 2.83 (Python 3.7.4)

directory_name and

Addon directory and files are snake_case with only lower cases. See examples in your addon directory, C:/Program Files/Blender Foundation/Blender 2.83/2.83/scripts/addons.

Addon Name

Addon name defined in bl_info is defined with the first letter of each word capitalized.

Class Name

2.8x enforces naming conventions for class name. Refer to “Class Registration” > “Naming” in “Blender 2.80: Addon API” reference for details.

The naming convention is UPPER_CASE_{SEPARATOR}_mixed_case. And {SEPARATOR} is defined according to the type of class as below.

  • Header -> _HT_
  • Menu -> _MT_
  • Operator -> _OT_
  • Panel -> _PT_
  • UIList -> _UL_

The followings are examples of panel class name.

# Header
# from "oscurart_tools" addon
class OSSELECTION_HT_OscSelection(bpy.types.Header):
    bl_label = "Selection Osc"
    bl_space_type = "VIEW_3D"

# Menu
# from "space_view3d_spacebar_menu" addon
class VIEW3D_MT_Space_Dynamic_Menu(Menu):
    bl_label = "Dynamic Context Menu"

class VIEW3D_MT_View_Menu(Menu):
    bl_label = "View"

# Operator
# from "add_camera_rigs" addon
class ADD_CAMERA_RIGS_OT_set_scene_camera(Operator):
    bl_idname = "add_camera_rigs.set_scene_camera"
    bl_label = "Make Camera Active"
    bl_description = "Makes the camera parented to this rig the active scene camera"

# Panels
# from "add_camera_rigs" addon
class ADD_CAMERA_RIGS_PT_camera_rig_ui(Panel, CameraRigMixin)
    bl_label = "Camera Rig"
    bl_space_type = 'VIEW_3D'
    bl_region_type = 'UI'
    bl_category = 'Item'

# UIList
# from "cycles" addon
class CYCLES_RENDER_UL_aov(bpy.types.UIList):
    def draw_item(self, ...


bl_idname is specified to access the operator from python script in Blender. The bl_idname consists of snake_case words connected with dots.

# bl_idname in cycle/ in cycle addon

class CYCLES_OT_use_shading_nodes(Operator):
    bl_idname = "cycles.use_shading_nodes"

class CYCLES_OT_add_aov(bpy.types.Operator):

class CYCLES_OT_remove_aov(bpy.types.Operator):

class CYCLES_OT_denoise_animation(Operator):
    bl_idname = "cycles.denoise_animation"

class CYCLES_OT_merge_images(Operator):
    bl_idname = "cycles.merge_images"

 For headers, menus and panels, the bl_idname is expected to match the class name (automatic if none is specified). Refer to “Class Registration” > “Naming” in “Blender 2.80: Addon API” reference.

Other – PEP 8

Basically the naming rules of module, variable and so on is compliant with PEP 8.

variable = "hello"
variable_two = 2

def function_name(arg_name):

class ClassName():
    def __init__(self, arg_name):
        self.variable = 1
    def method_name(self):

How To Use Human Meta-Rig in Rigify


Today’s goal is to summarize the rigging method of Human Meta-Rig with Rigify addon in Blender.

I used a human model with MakeHuman.


Blender 2.83


1. Add Human meta rig

Activate addon “RIgging: Rigify” at first.

Import the model with Y-axis front.

Change the mode to “Object Mode” and click Add > Armature > Human(Meta-Rig).

Open metarig tab > Viewport Display and check “In Front” on to show the rig in front of all in the 3D View.

The human rig with “In Front” on

2. Adjust bones

Adjust rig size and locations of bone to fit the target mesh.
Don’t change the transforms of the object. Be sure to change transforms in “Edit Mode” not in “Object Mode“.


How To Fix Texture Colored Pink In Blender


When I open Blender file, the textured model is rendered with pink single-colored texture. How can I fix it?

Texture node on Node Editor


Blender 2.8.3(LTS)


Pink means missing texture. Blender couldn’t find the specified texture.


References: You can find solutions in the followings in most cases.
Why are all the textures in my file pink?
Pink textures in Blender and how to avoid them

However, this sometimes occurred when the texture is just overwritten. In that case, I fixed by following steps below.

1. Disconnect Image Texture Node from Base Color socket of Shader Node.

2. Reset texture in Image Texture Node on Node Editor

3. Reconnect Nodes


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