Category: Visual Sudio

How To Compile PiPL Resource In Visual Studio


Today’s goal is to compile PiPL resource with custom build step in Visual Studio while Adobe plug-in development.

If you’d like to know about PiPL resource, see the appendix “What is PiPL resource?” in this article.


Visual Studio 2015 Community
After Effects CC2019
After Effects 17.1.2 Win SDK


1. Open solution file with Visual Studio

Make sure .r is added to the current solution file.

2. Open properties of PiPL resource file

Right-click the PiPL resource file .r and click “Properties”.

3. Set Item Type

Select “Custom Build Tool” in Item Type list.


How To Build Sample Projects In After Effects SDK


Today’s goal is to build sample projects in AE SDK.


Visual Studio 2015 Community
After Effects CC2019
After Effects 17.1.2 Win SDK


Download AE SDK

Access Adobe Developer Console ( and sign in with your Adobe user account.

Select After Effects “View downloads” and download After Effects Plug-in SDK. Then extract downloaded folder.

Build single plug-in

Select project

Open AfterEffectsSDK\Examples and select a project that you’d like to build. For example, “AfterEffectsSDK\Examples\AEGP\Artie” is one of the project directory. See the list of sample project in Sample Project Descriptions.

Open solution file

Open the solution file (for example, AfterEffectsSDK\Examples\AEGP\Artie\Win\Artie.sln) with Visual Studio 2015(v140). While you can use later versions, you should upgrade the project from v140 to using version.


How To Install Older Visual Studio


Today’s goal is to install Visual Studio Community 2015 in Windows. It was complicated a little to install from scratch.




1. Access the site to install visual studio

Access  and login with your Microsoft account. If you don’t have Microsoft account, please create here.

2. Buy visual Studio subscription or Join Dev Essentials

In my case, I’d like to install Visual Studio community edition only, so click “join Dev Essentials program” (that doesn’t cost anything). User can access to developer tools and services in this way.


[Tips]How to switch python3 and python2 in VSCode

I ‘ve been using python2 in VSCode for a long time, but I have to run python3 code this time. How to switch python2 and python3?


To switch python2 and python3 in VSCode


python2.7 and python3.8.5
Visual Studio Code1.49.0


Open command palette with the shortcut Ctrl+Shift+P. *If you are working on macOS, use the shortcut Command+Shift+P.

And select “select interpreter”

from VSCode

And choose the python version that you’d like to use.

from VSCode

If you need, please install Linker such as pylint for the new version of python.

How To change language in Visual Studio


Change language in Visual Studio


Windows 10
Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 ver15.8.4

Chack the  International Settings

Open Tools -> Options and Check “” in Environment -> International Settings. If the language to use is in the list, click it and restart Visual Studio. If not, language pack should be installed.

Language pack installation

You need Visual Studio Installer. Open your Visual Studio installer or find a installer of the version you use now from . (In my case, the language of installer is Japanese)

Click “Modify” 

Open “Language packs” tab and select language.

Click Modify button at the right bottom of the window.

Language pack is added to the International Settings.

Select and Restart Visual Studio.

[error]error MSB8020: The build tools for v140 (Platform Toolset = ‘v140’) cannot be found.

Error Detail

error MSB8020: The build tools for v140 (Platform Toolset = ‘v140’) cannot be found. To build using the v140 build tools, please install v140 build tools. Alternatively, you may upgrade to the current Visual Studio tools by selecting the Project menu or right-click the solution, and then selecting “Retarget solution”.


The required version of build tool for building solution is different from the version of build tool on your environment.


Retarget the solution. Right click on the solution and click the “Retarget solution”. Select the version of build tool required.

[error]fatal error C1181: cannot open input file ‘~~.lib’

Error Detail

fatal error C1181: cannot open input file ‘~~.lib


Visual Studio can’t find library named ‘~~.lib’


File name

There is truly no library with such a name because of misspelling or missing in file path.

Additional Library Directories

Visual Studio can’t read the directory where ‘~~.lib’ is in. Check the include file. Open properties of the project and check “Additional Library Directories”.

Right click the project name on Solution explorer and open Properties.

Add the directory that contains the library into Linker > General >Additional Library Directories”.


If the target directory already exists in Additional Library Directories list, check Configuration and the build environment. If they are different, change the configuration and add the library to Additional Library Directories again.

[error]fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: ‘~~’: No such file or directory

Error Detail

Cannot open include file: ‘<FILE_NAME>’: No such file or directory


Visual Studio can’t find the include file named FILE_NAME.


File name

There is truly no file with such a name because of misspelling, mistake for file extension or missing in file path. Compare the name and path of the include file to your code.

Additional Include Directories

Visual Studio can’t read the directory where FILE_NAME is in. Check the include file. Open properties of the project and check “Additional Include Directories”.

Right click the project name on Solution explorer and open Properties.

Add the directory that contains the include file into C/C++ >Additional Include Directories”.


If the target directory already exists in Additional Include Directories list, check Configuration and the build environment. If they are different, change the configuration and add the include folder to Additional Include Directories again.