Category: PHP

Create single.php for original theme

This is one of the articles about project “Create Original Theme in WordPress”.


To create single.php


WordPress 5.5.1
XAMPP 7.4.10


*this is the single post template
*@package WordPress
*@subpackage Techblog
*@since Techblog 1.0
get_header(); ?>
<div class="container">
<main id="main" class="site-main">
		while ( have_posts() ) :
			get_template_part( 'content/content', 'single' );
			if ( comments_open() || '0' != get_comments_number() ) :
<?php get_sidebar();?>
<?php get_footer(); ?>


 * The template used for displaying single post content in single.php
*@package WordPress
*@subpackage Techblog
*@since Techblog 1.0
<article id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>" <?php post_class(); ?>>
	<div class="main-content">
		<div class="page-item">
			<h1 class="entry-title"><?php the_title(); ?></h1>
			<div class="post-info">
				<span class="sns"><a href="" data-url="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" data-text="<?php echo get_the_title(); ?>" class="twitter-share-button" data-via="nako_new_high" data-show-count="false">Tweet</a><script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script></span><br/>
        		<span class="post-date"><?php the_date();?></span>
        			$post_categories = get_the_category();
        			if ( $post_categories ) {
						foreach( $post_categories as $category ): ?>
						<span class= "post-categories"><a class="category" href= "<?php echo get_category_link($category->term_id) ?>" >
						<?php echo $category->cat_name ?>
					<?php endforeach; ?>
				<?php }; ?>
				<?php if ( has_tag() ) : ?>
					<?php $tags = get_the_tags( get_the_ID() );
						foreach ( $tags as $tag ) {
							echo '<span class= "post-tags"><a href="'. get_tag_link( $tag->term_id ) . '">#' . $tag->name . '</a></span>';
		  		<?php endif; ?>
		  	<?php the_content(); ?>



This return true if the current post has tags.

get_the_tags( get_the_ID())

get_the_tags() retrieves the tags for the post that takes the id of the post as an argument. get_the_ID() retrieve the ID of the current item.

The tag objects can be retrieved by using for loop.


This function retrieves the link to the tag. It gets tag ID or object as an argument.


Change the style

Create 404.php for original theme

This is one of the articles about project “Create Original Theme in WordPress”.


To create 404.php


WordPress 5.5.1
XAMPP 7.4.10

What content should be contained?

These are examples of contents in the 404 page.

  • Search
  • Category list
  • Recent posts
  • Archives of year or month
  • Links


There are many unique and interesting designs of 404 pages.

10 great examples of 404 error pages

20 Top Examples of 404 Error Pages


*this is the 404 page template
*@package WordPress
*@subpackage Techblog
*@since Techblog 1.0
get_header(); ?>
<div class="container">
<main id="main" class="site-main">
	<div class= "main-content">
		<h1>404! Sorry, the page can't be found.</h1>
		<?php get_search_form(); ?>
		<h2>Recent Posts</h2>
			$lastposts = get_posts( array(
    			'posts_per_page' => 4
			) ); ?>
		<div class="post-item recent-post">
			<?php if ( $lastposts ) {
    			foreach ( $lastposts as $post ) : setup_postdata( $post ); ?>
        		<h3><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h3>
    	    		<div class="post-info">
        				<span class="post-date"><?php the_date();?></span>
        				<?php $post_categories = get_the_category();
        				if ( $post_categories ) {
							foreach( $post_categories as $category ): ?>
								<span class= "post-categories"><a class="category" href= "<?php echo get_category_link($category->term_id) ?>" >
								<?php echo $category->cat_name ?>
							<?php endforeach; ?>
						<?php }; ?>
        	<?php endforeach; 
			$categories = get_categories();
			if ( $categories ) {
				foreach( $categories as $category ): ?>
					<a class="index category" href= "<?php echo get_category_link($category->term_id) ?>" >
					<?php echo $category->cat_name ?>
				<?php endforeach; ?>
			<?php }; ?>
<?php get_sidebar(); ?>
<?php get_footer(); ?>


Change the style

Create archive.php for original theme

This is one of the articles about project “Create Original Theme in WordPress”.


To create page.php


WordPress 5.5.1
XAMPP 7.4.10


 * The template to display posts archve
 *@package WordPress
 *@subpackage Techblog
 *@since Techblog 1.0
 get_header(); ?>
<main id="main" class="site-main" role="main">
	<div class= "main-content">
	<?php if ( have_posts() ) :?>
		<header class="page-header">
				the_archive_title('<h1>', '</h1>' );
			while ( have_posts() ) :
				get_template_part( 'content/content', get_post_format() );
				array('prev_text' => '<u>Back<<</>  ',
					'next_text' => '  <u>>>Next</>', )
		endif; ?>
	get_footer(); ?>


*@package WordPress
*@subpackage Techblog
*@since Techblog 1.0
<article id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>" <?php post_class(); ?>>
	<div class="main-content">
		<div class="post-item">
			<a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"></a>
			<h2 class="entry-title"><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h2>
			<div class="post-info">
				<span class="sns"><a href="" data-url="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" data-text="<?php echo get_the_title(); ?>" class="twitter-share-button" data-via="nako_new_high" data-show-count="false">Tweet</a><script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script></span><br/>
				<span class="post-date"><?php the_date();?></span>
					$post_categories = get_the_category();
        			if ( $post_categories ) {
						foreach( $post_categories as $category ): ?>
						<span class= "post-categories"><a class="category" href= "<?php echo get_category_link($category->term_id) ?>" >
						<?php echo $category->cat_name ?>
						<?php endforeach; ?>
					<?php }; ?>
			<?php the_content(); ?>
		<?php if ( is_search() ) : ?>
				<?php the_excerpt(); ?>
				<p><a class="read-more" href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"></p>
		<?php endif; ?>



This function displays the archive title such as “Search: <word>” or “Category: <category_name>”

You can use html tags as argument before and after.

the_archive_title('<h1 class = "class_name">', '</h1>' );


This function displays category, tag, term, or author description. You can use html tags as argument before and after.

the_posts_pagination(array $args = array())

This function displays a paginated navigation to next/previous set of posts, when applicable.

the_posts_pagination( array(
    'mid_size'  => 2,
    'prev_text' => __( '<u>Back</u>'),
    'next_text' => __( '<u>Next</u>'),
) ); 

<article id=”post-<?php the_ID(); ?>” <?php post_class(); ?>>

the_ID() returns the unique id of current post and post_class() returns the classes for the post container element.


This returns true if the query is for a search.


Change style

Create page.php for original theme

This is one of the articles about project “Create Original Theme in WordPress”.


To create page.php


WordPress 5.5.1
XAMPP 7.4.10


page.php is used to display fixed page such as “About”, “Access”, “Contact” and so on.

*this is the fixed page template
*@package WordPress
*@subpackage Techblog
*@since Techblog 1.0
get_header(); ?>
<div class="container">
<main id="main" class="site-main">
		while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>
			<?php get_template_part( 'content/content', 'page' ); ?>
				// If comments are open or we have at least one comment, load up the comment template
				if ( comments_open() || '0' != get_comments_number() ) :
		<?php endwhile;?>
<?php get_sidebar(); ?>
<?php get_footer(); ?>


 * The template used for displaying page content in page.php
*@package WordPress
*@subpackage Techblog
*@since Techblog 1.0
<article id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>" <?php post_class(); ?>>
	<div class= "main-content">
		<div class="page-item">
			<h1 class="entry-title"><?php the_title(); ?></h1>
			<div class="post-info">
				<span class="sns"><a href="" data-url="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" data-text="<?php echo get_the_title(); ?>" class="twitter-share-button" data-via="nako_new_high" data-show-count="false">Tweet</a><script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script></span><br/>
				<span class="post-date"><?php the_date();?></span>
			<?php if(get_edit_post_link()) : ?>
					<?php edit_post_link(); ?>
			<?php endif; ?>

page.php and content-page.php

content-page.php is one of the template parts that is loaded by using get_template_part() in page.php.


get_template_part($slug, $name )

This function loads a template part $slug.php or $slug-$name.php into a template.


Determines whether the current post is open for comments.

comments_templatestring $file = ‘/comments.php’)

This loads comment template defined by /comments.php, (but the comments.php is nor generated yet).


The formatted output of a list of pages. This is used for repagination.


Change the style

Create index.php for original theme

This is one of the articles about project “Create Original Theme in WordPress”.


To create index.php


WordPress 5.5.1
XAMPP 7.4.10


*This is main file for "techblog" theme
*@package WordPress
*@subpackage Techblog
*@since Techblog 1.0
get_header(); ?>
<div class="container">
<main id="main" class="site-main">
	<div class= "main-content">
	<h1>Recent Posts</h1>
		$lastposts = get_posts( array(
    		'posts_per_page' => 3
		) );
		if ( $lastposts ) {
    		foreach ( $lastposts as $post ) : setup_postdata( $post ); ?>
    			<div class="post-item recent-post">
        		<h2 class="entry-title"><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h2>
        		<div class="post-info">
        			<span class="post-date"><?php the_date();?></span>
        				$post_categories = get_the_category();
        				if ( $post_categories ) {
							foreach( $post_categories as $category ): ?>
							<span class= "post-categories"><a class="category" href= "<?php echo get_category_link($category->term_id) ?>" >
							<?php echo $category->cat_name ?>
						<?php endforeach; ?>
					<?php }; ?>
        		<?php the_excerpt(); ?>
    	<?php endforeach; 
		$categories = get_categories();
		if ( $categories ) {
			foreach( $categories as $category ): ?>
				<a class="index category" href= "<?php echo get_category_link($category->term_id) ?>" >
				<?php echo $category->cat_name ?>
			<?php endforeach; ?>
		<?php }; ?>
get_sidebar(); ?>
get_footer(); ?>


get posts

$lastposts = get_posts( array('posts_per_page' => 3) );

loop the posts

if ( $lastposts ) {
foreach ( $lastposts as $post ) : setup_postdata( $post ); ?>
 HTML is here
<?php endforeach; ?>

This is equal to the following.

if ( $lastposts ) {
	foreach ( $lastposts as $post ) {
		setup_postdata( $post ); 
		// Do something here

get the url of each post that is “root/<year>/<month>/<day>/<title>/” by default.

the_title(); // works in the loop

get the title of each post

the_date(); //works in the loop

get the date when the post is posted

the_date(); //works in the loop

get the categories of current post

$post_categories = get_the_category();

loop the categories

if ( $post_categories ) {
	foreach( $post_categories as $category ): ?>
		HTML is here
	<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php }; ?>

This is equal to the following.

if ( $post_categories ) {
	foreach( $post_categories as $category ){
		HTML is here

get the url of the category that is “root/category/<category name>/” by default


get the category name from $category


get the excerpt of the post


How to change the length of the excerpt

Add filter in the functions.php. If you’d like to know about add_filter(), please check the article “What is Hook in WordPress?“.

function twpp_change_excerpt_length( $length ) {
  return 20;
add_filter( 'excerpt_length', 'twpp_change_excerpt_length', 999 );

get all categories of the site

$categories = get_categories();


Change style

I customized the design of the page by editing style.css.

What is Hook in WordPress?


To understand what is the hook in WordPress and how to use it.


WordPress 5.5.1

What the hook is in WordPress

Hooks are a way for one piece of code to interact/modify another piece of code at specific, pre-defined spots.

from Plugin Handbook in

When the specific event occurs, the registered function is hooked.

For example, if you define the function addName() and add it to the hook ‘the_content’, you can add name to the content of the article.

$name = 'Nako';
function addName($content) {
    return $content .'('.$name.')';
add_filter('the_content', 'addName');

Add filter and action

There are 2 types of hook, filter and action. You can see the list of filters in Plugin API/Filter Reference and the list of actions in Plugin API/Action Reference.

The filter hooks are defined by apply_filters() and add function to the filter hook by add_filter(). And the action hools are defined by do_action() and add action to the action hook by add_action().

The following is the outline diagram of apply_filters, do_action, add_action and add_filter.


For example, this is one of the apply_filters functions in post-template.php.

function the_content( $more_link_text = null, $strip_teaser = false ) {
	$content = get_the_content( $more_link_text, $strip_teaser );

	$content = apply_filters( 'the_content', $content );
	$content = str_replace( ']]>', ']]>', $content );
	echo $content;

The difference between filters and actions

Action is used to do some user-defined action, but on the other hands filter is used to rewrite or return the variable. So the function added by add_filter() has always return value.

Why does category list return “Uncategorized”?


I’d like to display the list of all categories in my theme, but it return “Uncategorized”. The PHP code in index,php is as below.

	$categories = get_the_category();
	if ( $categories ) {
		foreach( $categories as $category ) {
			$output .= '<a href="' . get_category_link($category->term_id) 
			. '">' . $category->cat_name . '</a>' . ' ';
		echo $output;

The result is the following.

The cause of this problem

get_the_category(); is the function to get the categories of “current” post or page. This page is index.php with no category, so it return “Uncategorized”.


Use get_categories(); instead of get_the_category();.

	$categories = get_categories();
	if ( $categories ) {
		foreach( $categories as $category ) {
			$output .= '<a href="' . get_category_link($category->term_id) 
				. '">' . $category->cat_name . '</a>' . ' ';
	echo $output;

This is the result.

How to change loop times in WordPress


To stop the loop at the number of times specified in WordPress.


WordPress 5.5.1

Loop in WordPress

The Loop is PHP code used by WordPress to display posts. The following is an example of the loop.

if ( have_posts() ) {
	while ( have_posts() ) {
		// Post Content here
	} // end while
} // end if

Check “The Loop” in for details about the loop.


Use get_posts function

	$recentposts = get_posts( array( 'posts_per_page' => 3) );
	if ( $lastposts ) {
    		foreach ( $lastposts as $post ) : setup_postdata( $post );
			// Post Content here
	} //end if


Though <?php query_posts(‘posts_per_page=NUMBER’); ?> can be also used to limit the number of posts, it is not recommended.

Create Original Theme in WordPress 1


To create the original WordPress theme


Today’s goal is to make the smallest WordPress theme as below.

File construction for WordPress theme

The following is an example of file construction.

  • index.php
  • header.php
  • footer.php
  • archive.php
  • comments.php
  • 404.php
  • page.php
    • page-fullwidth.php
  • sidebar.php
    • sidebar-home.php
    • sidebar-footer.php
  • single.php
  • category.php
  • tag.php
  • functions.php
  • style.css
  • templaete-parts
    • content.php
    • content-frontpage.php
    • content-none.php
    • content-single.php

You can see the role of each file in “Template Files”. Today, I create index.php, functions.php and style.css


This is the main PHP file displayed as a top page.

*This is main file for "techblog" theme
*@package Techblog
*@since Techblog 1.0
get_header(); ?>
<main id="main" class="site-main" role="main">
		<h1 class="page-title"><?php bloginfo('name'); ?></h1>
		<h2 class="description"> <?php bloginfo('description'); ?></h2>
	<?php if ( have_posts() ) : ?>
		<ul id="posts">
			<?php while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>
                <li><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>">
                	<h2 class = "post_item"><?php the_title(); ?></h2>
			<?php endwhile; ?>
	<?php endif; ?>
<?php get_footer(); ?>

PHP Doc Tags

Some PHP doc tags are used in WordPress. You can see the list of PHP doc tags in “PHPDoc Tags” in

*@package Techblog
*@since Techblog 1.0

php functions

You can see the functions that can be used in WordPress in “Code Reference“.

  • get_header()
    • Includes the header template for a theme
    • If you have no header.php, it includes the default header.
  • bloginfo()
    • Display information about the site you defined.
    • You can get information such as ‘name’, ‘description’ and so on.
  • have_posts()
    • It can be used to determines whether current WordPress query has posts to loop over
  • the_post()
    • Iterate the post index in the loop
    • It can be used when have_posts() is True
  • the_permalink()
    • Displays the permalink for the current post
    • It displays the url to the_post()
  • the_title()
    • Display or retrieve the current post title
    • It displays the titel of the_post()
  • get_footer()
    • Includes the footer template for a theme


style.css is the style sheet for the site. style.css should have infromation about the theme. Please check “Main Stylesheet (style.css)” in for details.

Theme Name: Techblog
Theme URI: #
Author: Nako
Author URI:
Description: This is the simplest theme for engineer's technical blog
Version: 1.0.0
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
License URI:
Text Domain: techblog
Domain Path: /languages/
Tags: blog, news,

This theme, like WordPress, is licensed under the GPL.

body {
    color: #6B6B6B;
    font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif;
    line-height: 1.7;
    font-size: 14px;

The information in style.css is displayed in Appearance >Themes.


functions.php is function set for the site. I don’t use any original function at this time.

 * techblog functions and definitions
 * @package Techblog
 * @since Techblog 1.0
if ( ! defined( 'TECHBLOG_VERSION' ) ) {
	// Replace the version number of the theme on each release.
	define( 'TECHBLOG_VERSION', '1.0.0' );

Install the created theme

Put the directory where index.php, style.css and functions.php is into the themes directory “xampp\htdocs\wordpress\wp-content\themes”.

You can activate the theme you created in the Appearance >Themes.